An institution of fear

“The ludicrity and paradoxicality of the situation he was stuck in turned his guts: he was thrown at the mercy of some bare acquaintances, who had not for once born any relation to him, yet claiming the omnipotence of taking to heart his aptitude and interests. The free will promised was such a bore – not for any instance had he witnessed the blatant oppression and determinism dominating people’s lives.”


“The ambience was at its worst – the most mentally soothing one could imagine, the most sleep-inducing and comforting possible. I dare not defy my will to rouse from bed – instead, I lay, fooling around with my glasses and cellphone, when suddenly a guest arrived. He was my granddad’s comrade, his sixty-year good friend. My grandmother was apparently at the kitchen, as she yelled to confirm the guest’s occupation, and my grandfather yelling back with the loudest yes.”

Invasion and Pervasion

“Is bureaucracy stepping in once again, I wonder.

The moment this thought sparked, my bafflement turned unease. Of course it is the same, our government’s conserved hesitation. Our experiments with pedagogy and education have shown a certain level of uncertainty of our policy-makers. We have a national pride, but once again we are allowing that national pride to interfere so much with our progress.”

Philosophical Immaturity

“What is left when you take every part of it out? The answer is pretty obvious: nothing. Nothing seems to linger, nothing seems to signify in the world of fillers and trivia. Yet the “human nature” we deem ourselves of having renders us insecure when we have no dependency, that we even cannot count ourselves as assistance because we do not signify. It is a combination of gut feelings, agoraphobia, and philosophical immaturity.”


Let the holes drain you to your core, because as they widen, you explore yourself better. The mistakes you make reveal who you are. A cessation to all the cover-up of your holes will not only make you feel more comfortable, more relaxable, but it will empower you – it gives you the meaning of yourself. Will you stop? Should you stop?